
Graduation, Europe, Externships, New Job, and of course, Wedding Season!

YEAH!! I graduated. Here are some select pictures from the day we have all been waiting for:

Me and my Hubby- Thank you for driving me to my interview just a few four years ago, bringing me dinner to the study rooms in the pharmacy school and supporting me throughout my school years!

Me, my parents and my grandmother- The backbone of my support group. Thank you for everything over my entire twentyfour years. You are each so special to me I am proud to have you in my life!! I love you and thank you thank you thank you!

And the fabulous Papaw and Mert! If it weren't for them I wouldn't have clean clothes to wear to school! They are absolutely wonderful and supportive as well! Thank you thank you thank you!

So after graduation my mother and I went to Europe. Starting in Chattanooga we drove to Atlanta, flew to Barcelona, got on the NCL Gem and saw the fabulous view of Spain, Malta, Italy, and France. Highlights to follow.

While Mom and I were on our girls' trip dear husband worked his hiney off! He visited Knoxville, TN; San Antonio, TX; and Fairfield, CA. He didn't sleep much and learned a great deal about oral surgery.

Then mom and I came back...and work started. The Walgreens in Roebuck took me in and taught me to be a pharmacist. Wow, it's a big girl job!

Weddings were EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND! It was certainly a busy busy wedding season! Family, Friends, Roommates, Classmates CRAZINESS!

Well that's all for now...