
Dear San Antonio,

Get ready because here we come! We are armed with a GX 470, a 7500lb hitch, a U-Haul, one week's supply of everything, two puppies with fresh haircuts, and a very excited pair of Doctor Stanleys.
And for all you blog readers out there, ha! We have a house! It is a lovely 3 bedroom 2 bathroom stack stone with some updates, a 2 car garage, an awesome backyard, hardwood floors throughout, and in a great neighborhood. It is bigger than we are in now and is just waiting for us to give it some definition. What do I mean by that you may ask...I mean the previous tenant had weights and a exercise ball in what I will define as "the breakfast room" and that was it! Nothing more in this ginormous tiled floor room that overlooks the back deck and back yard but a set of free weights and an exercise ball. So I hope to give the rooms a little definition and style. We will see how that goes in a few weeks.
In other news, Congratulations BC passed his boards! I love you and all your dental work; your work is beautiful and you are handsome!
I'll leave you with this gem from Huntsville. That's all for now hope you all have a great day!


Where did I leave off...

wiler Hotel then we were seated in the Alys Stevens Center for a lovely ceremony that included diplomas, hoods and lots of mortar boards.
THEN the following Tuesday we drove to meet up with the Stanleys and Hensons in Hilton Head, SC...sadly I have no pictures that I can lay my hands on. It was great getting to spend quality time with these great people including our precious nephews Brendan and Will, despite the egg incident.
The following week Brandon and the Bovine/Howe/Stanley/Crews/Pittman men headed to Canada for a bit of fishing and fried food. While they were off being manly men my mother, me, Judy Wood and Lauren Little flew to Los Vegas to enjoy ourselves in the ways of shopping, CHER, sun bathing, Phantom of the Opera, O, The Bodies and the list goes on and on! Here are some of my favorites from that trip:

THE LAS VEGAS SIGN: A must have photo!

Mom and Judy trying on masks at O
Lauren and me outside the O theater with the amazing costume
The beautiful lioness at the MGM...the animals were amazing
All in all it was a busy summer! So much fun!


Happy Anniversary!

August 4, 2007 I married my best friend! It was a great hot summer day that was too perfect! We have been married for three years and I honestly can't imagine life without him. So, to you Brandon Cayle, happy anniversary and I look forward to MANY many more. And to you few blog readers here's a little glimpse of what our day was like three years ago...http://rickichester.net/Emily